I’m passing along this important advocacy information relating to the proposed lodging tax on short term rentals. This proposal would increase taxes for STR’s renting over 90 days by around 400%! If this is an important matter to you, then please read this information from CLARA (Colorado Lodging and Resort Alliance) and watch the recorded Zoom video providing a full update. Your engagement is pivotal to our collective effort and we want to update you on actionable steps you can take to protect the interests of the STR community.

Webinar Recording:

If you missed the webinar, you can catch up by viewing the recording here. Please share this link with other STR advocates in your network to ensure we amplify our impact!

Outreach to Policymakers:

As emphasized during the webinar, reaching out to policymakers is vital for passing policies that benefit our communities and the short-term rental industry in Colorado. Take a moment to write, email, or call your elected officials and our Governor. Visit our website  for contact information for your local legislators and review the talking points to guide your communications.

Video Testimonial Project:

Share how a 400% increase in property taxes would impact you by submitting a short video. Follow this link to participate. Speak from the heart, make it personal, and address decision-makers directly. Your testimonial will be shared with elected officials, including the Governor.

Participate in Our Brief Survey:

Your insights are crucial in our united campaign against the proposed bill. Take a moment to participate in our brief survey here. Your responses will strengthen our efforts to advocate for the interests of short-term rental owners.  Please note the survey closes on December 14th, so please participate today!

Latest News on the Proposed Bill:

Stay informed about the latest developments. Senator Roberts and Representative Lukens have expressed their opposition to the bill as written, and The Vail Valley Partnership board has stated that they have “significant concerns”. Read the article here for more details.


Join CLARA and Support Our Initiatives:

Consider joining CLARA today to become an integral part of our community. Your financial support is essential in shaping the future of short-term rentals in our state. Please join and encourage others to do the same.

As we advocate on your behalf, here are some noteworthy initiatives CLARA has recently undertaken:

– Engaging with key legislators for a balanced approach to the proposed legislation.
– Commissioning studies to demonstrate the positive economic impact of STRs.
– Hiring a lobbyist to champion our interests at the state capital.
– Conducting a survey to gather crucial data to share with lawmakers.
– Collaborating with industry stakeholders to present a united front.

Your support and participation make a significant difference. Thank you for being an advocate for the short-term rental community in Colorado!

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